This mini-app will allow you to enter a list of words or phrases for your readers, along with their respective definitions. It's recommended for ebooks with a lot of difficult words to understand for the readers. Whether it's a language ebook, or a scientific ebook, or merely one full of terminology, this glossary mini-app will be of great help. The list of words and their definitions can be searched and scrolled through.
- Add short, concise definitions for a list of terms inside your ebook.
- Make it simpler for your readers to understand the difficult words found inside the ebook.
- Easily search and scroll through the list of words and definitions that you've added.
- Customize the Glossary app by changing the background image, icon and title.
Customizing this Mini-app
For each mini-app that you add, you may create and select different customizations, that will make this mini-app act differently. Through customizations you may also choose different styles, like a different background color or image.
You can do all the customization from the browser or from within Kotobee Author. For more details on how to do it, please visit this support article.
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Customize your Mini-app
For each mini-app that you add, you may create and select different customizations, that will make this mini-app act and look differently.