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Coloring Book

Provide coloring activities inside your ebook

All Mini-apps


Prefill this mini-app with different line art drawings of your choice, and allow your readers to color them in. Your users can choose between different brush colors and sizes. The colored drawing can either be downloaded as an offline image file, or saved online for later access. You can optionally allow the reader to add his own line art drawings and color them. This mini-app serves as a great exercise for children to color their favorite story characters and download them.


  • Add a fun activity for your readers to enjoy from inside the ebook.
  • Import images from your own device to the app alongside the pre-set ones that are already available.
  • Choose between 12 different colors available as well as an eraser and 5 thicknesses for the brush.
  • Customize the Coloring Book app by changing the background image, icon, title and description.
  • Download the final drawing offline to your computer, or save it to continue later


Customizing this Mini-app

For each mini-app that you add, you may create and select different customizations, that will make this mini-app act differently. Through customizations you may also choose different styles, like a different background color or image.

You can do all the customization from the browser or from within Kotobee Author. For more details on how to do it, please visit this support article.


A collection of line art drawings

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Customize your Mini-app

For each mini-app that you add, you may create and select different customizations, that will make this mini-app act and look differently.

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