10 Ways to Improve Hybrid Learning in the Classroom

According to campustechnology.com, 68% of students prefer having a combination of in-person and remote classes. This shows how important it is for educators to know everything about this learning environment and how to navigate it. And that’s what we are going to explore in this article. 


The Art of Crafting a Table of Contents in Ebooks

While writing a table of contents for a printed book is pretty simple, it is a quite different process when it comes to ebooks. That’s why we’ve created this guide that will show you everything you need to know about tables of contents in ebooks.


What Is Virtual Learning and How to Benefit from It?

Simply put, virtual learning is the process of using technology to deliver educational material. It takes different forms and shapes, and relies heavily on modern e-learning tools that keep the learner engaged. In this kind of learning, the communication between the learners and their instructor is done through video conferences, forums, and instant messages.
